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Without a compassionate, connected and aware community, your local area's homelessness will never be healed.

Without a healthy and connected community, the eco-system of homelessness will flourish. At Temple of the Forgotten, we aim to help your volunteers, community members and lay-people not only become more educated and understanding of the realities of homelessness, but help them find compassion, connection and care as well.

We promise you, this will make all the difference.


We understand that working with people who have experienced terrible trauma, untreated mental illness and out of control addiction need community and volunteers who are educated and well-versed. Whether you are serving in a soup kitchen, passing socks out on the streets or serving through your religious group, all people must be trained and aware of the population they are working with so as to avoid causing harm or greater alienation.

It's about time we treated homelessness and local incarceration as a delicate thing in need of great healing, loving attention and care— as well as cutting edge innovation, trauma-informed interventions and social-spiritual exploration.


Our programs are specifically targeted at helping people navigate through common misconceptions, biases, misinformation and judgements they have towards homelessness, incarceration, poverty, mental illness, and addiction. And then, we go beyond that. We believe that education is only the first component. What we truly seek is a heart-mind transformation, one that will inspire, sustain, and grow. Through expertly run sessions, participants in these trainings will experience a powerful and digestible transformation of understanding on all of these subjects.



Ministry of the Unhoused Program

Homelessness Education Workshops 

Substance & Addiction Education for Adults

Spirituality isn't a hoax. It is the bedrock of the human experience that we can no longer overlook.

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